With the launch of the new gTLD extensions “nGTLD” brand holders are now faced with the prospect of having to protect and manage their corporate identity, brands and products in hundreds of new TLD’s.
Opinions within the legal community differ widely from a “register everything” to a “register nothing and wait and see” approach. To the founders at IPM it’s reminiscent of the early days of Corporate Domain Management when many corporations wondered why they needed ccTLD’s. Almost 20 years and 140+ million ccTLD’s later no global corporation would exclude the top ccTLD extensions in a domain registration strategy for a new brand and the nGTLDS should be no different.
At IPM we work closely with our clients on the best strategy for registrations, trademark protection and blocking in the nGTLD’s to ensure maximum ROI

IPM assists clients with the process of registering their trademarks with the Trademark Clearing House (TMCH). Inclusion in the TMCH provides first right of refusal when an extension launches and notification of registration by 3rd parties in TLDs that are not part of a Clients registration strategy and vulnerable to speculators.
IPM assists clients in applying for protection under the various Registry Protected Marks List Programs such as the Donuts registry DPML and Rightside Registry DPML services that can block 3rd party registrations in potentially hundreds of the new TLD’s.
IPM registers domains for clients during the various “Sunrise” “Landrush” or “General Availability” phase’s when a new extension launches.
The landscape for nGTLD’s changes daily. In just a few short years over 27,000,000 domains have been registered across the new TLDs with many Corporations ,Start Ups, domain investors and unfortunately speculators taking advantage of the wider landscape and endless marketing possibilities that the nGTLD’s have unleashed onto the traditional (.com) domain space.
nGTLD Milestones
Nov 26th 2013
First extensions launched in TM Holder Sunrise Phase
Feb 28th 2014
197,032 Number of registrations
March 1st 2014
First extensions go General Availability “First Come-First Served”
March 2nd 2014
IPM receives its first TMCH notification of a 3rd party registration of a clients Corporate Name & Brand
June 5th 2014
1 million registered domains
Aug 19th 2014
2 million registered domains
Aug 26th 2014
IPM acquires first 3rd party registered domain for a TMCH approved client
Jan 8th 2015
4 million registered domains
Feb 15th 2015
IPM client acquires premium ngTLD domain for $15,000
June 4th 2015
6 million registered domains
June 6th 2017
27,046,311 registered domains
IPM is part of United Internet, a publicly traded company with a market cap of over $8 billion and over 4,000 employees worldwide. The United Internet Group of companies manages over 7 million domains — that’s almost double the number managed by our four largest competitors…combined! We pass on the savings we gain through our group’s economies of scale to our clients.
Join the satisfied corporate clients of IPM. Reduce your budget without ever compromising on service.