With more and more domain registries requiring DNS configuration prior to approving the registration of a domain name, DNS is becoming a critical element of the Corporate Domain Name Management service.
Approximately 40% of our clients rely on IPM for Critical DNS services. To facilitate this need, we have implemented an industry leading DNS system using proven enterprise grade technologies combined with leading liquid infrastructure techniques provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). This proprietary implementation of technologies and techniques provides the ability for IPM to provide extreme levels of performance and reliability for even the most critical DNS needs.
Even more importantly, unlike many of our Competitors we provide premium DNS services at no additional cost to our Clients for Queries or hosted Zones. This provides a significant Cost saving to any client transitioning their domain portfolio to IPM’s DNS system. But IPM did not stop there; we implemented multiple proprietary enhancements to the DNS system to provide additional services above and beyond what the traditional DNS system is capable of.

Our easy to use, secure, online DNS management tool allows our clients to effectively manage and edit their zone files in a cost free, self service environment. At the same time, our technical support team is on hand to trouble shoot and provide DNS support if needed and for Clients requiring a Managed DNS solution we are more than happy to build this into the overall Domain Name Management Solution.